Saying Goodbye

Denali – One Of Our 2021 Spring Kids

Well, that’s it for the spring kids. We had 11 kids born between 11 February and 1 March – six bucks and five does. Because we had two sets of quads, and a first freshener that kidded triplets there wasn’t enough milk for every one so I ended up bottle feeding. Instead of pulling a goat from each dam I just offered bottles to any one who was hungry and at 5 weeks when we had to separate the boys moved them to a bottle full time. As a result this years kids were the friendliest we have ever had at Almosta Farm. It made it a very demanding kidding season, but lots of fun and the bond I formed feeding the kids made it so much harder to say goodbye.

The barn has been empty of babies now for a week and a half now. It has been a little sad to be in the barn without the bouncing playful kids but has also significantly reduced the work load. Penny, our herd matriarch is due to kid in about a week so now the anticipation begins. We are hoping for an easy birth and healthy kids in about a week.